independence (ĭn'dĭ-pěn'dəns) n. The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others.
The Best Weed Grinder in 2022 – Our High Review
The best weed grinder we found is the Space Case Grinder. It strikes the
perfect balance between affordability, efficiency, durability, and ease of
use reg...
Beauty Solutions: Six Marvelous Multitaskers
While I look for ways to save money on my beauty routine, I don’t want to
skimp on quality so I look for multitaskers that give me a lot of bang for
my bea...
Sketchbook Meditation
When I need to unwind, or the world gets me down, I like to draw in my
sketchbook. I am
The post Sketchbook Meditation appeared first on Indie Fixx.
Crank It...Mudhoney Are Back With Tour/New Track
Vanishing Point is the new album from Mudhoney, and based on the single
"The Only Son of the Widow from Nain,” it could be a strong one. I
know...getting a...
Coma Beach – ‘Passion/Bliss’ EP
German band Coma Beach enthrall with a stylish, impassioned rock sound
throughout their new EP, Passion/Bliss. The release represents the third
and final...